Am I an Alum?

Frequently, I run into people who tell me they were in 4-H.

Some of them did a cross-Canada exchange or maybe they even attended a national conference. More often, they participated in their local club for a few years and completed a handful of projects. Sometimes they were part of the staff at a 4-H office or discovered 4-H as a parent. And in some cases, they didn’t become part of the 4-H movement until they became a leader.

Inevitably, they will ask us “Am I part of the 4-H alumni?”

The answer is, yes! Of course!

Just as the variety of 4-H projects available is diverse and far-reaching, so are the experiences that define 4-H alumni. There is no minimum number of years or types of programming that need to be completed to be considered an alum.

Club 1913, the 4-H alumni community, is inclusive of all 4-H experiences, because we believe we never stop learning. No matter how we are introduced to this powerful, global movement, when we become involved with 4-H we inevitably experience the 4-H motto and “Learn To Do By Doing”.

  • 4-H volunteer leaders learn facilitation, planning and mentorship skills by supporting youth in leading their club and completing project activities.
  • 4-H parents learn what inspires their children and how to support their efforts to create change in their community.
  • 4-H staff are always learning the value of the program, the impact of nurturing caring, responsible leaders, and the best ways to enable world-class positive youth development.

We invite you to join Club 1913. Through this online community, you will receive news about upcoming opportunities to learn, network, and give back to the 4-H program. You will receive The Pledge – our new magazine for 4-H alumni – and qualify for special discounts with our affinity partners.

So, whether you were a member for a couple of years or for 12 years, a 4-H parent of the past or today, a volunteer leader or staff, you are a 4-H alum. We welcome you!

Learn more

Author: Jennifer Christie, Director, Business Development at 4-H Canada, 4-H Alumna, and Volunteer Leader