Food For Thought

Food For Thought introduces youth to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: Zero Hunger and helps them to discover their personal role in food security and food accessibility in their community, their country, and their world. Food For Thought is the perfect chance to encourage youth to gain an understanding of the impact food waste has on their community and what they can do to help.
Activity Kit
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Activity Book
From maintaining a sourdough starter to planting a Three Sisters garden to creating zero waste recipes, the Food For Thought Activity Book uses 4-H Canada’s proven Positive Youth Development (PYD) approach to teach youth about food security, while allowing them to experience first-hand how to cut down on food waste in their homes and communities. Featuring colourful graphics, engaging content, and experiential activities, the Activity Book makes learning fun, while encouraging research and reflection on a variety of topics.
Romaine calm, this activity book is FREE to download!