Say Cheese! Celebrating 4-H Month ‘Through the Lens’
In addition to holiday cheer, we love spreading 4-H cheer! Take a look back at the amazing submissions we got during our 4-H Through the Lens initiative to celebrate 4-H Month in November as part of Show Your 4-H Colours! In part of 4-H Month, the campaign encouraged members, leaders, parents, and supporters from coast-to-coast to share their photos in celebration of 4-H.
Showcased during 4-H Month in November 2023, 4-H Through the Lens provided the perfect opportunity to celebrate how 4-H has made a difference in the lives of its members. Each week, a new theme was announced, and the 4-H community was encouraged to share their photos with 4-H Canada, with one submission chosen to be showcased each week.
Keep reading for a look at some of the amazing photo submissions that got the spotlight on 4-H Canada’s social media channels!

Photo Credit: Laura Leifso, Ontario
Theme 1:“Falling in Love with 4-H” – a photo that showcases 4-H in the fall or what made you fall in love
with 4-H.
Royal Winter Fair prep October 2023. This girl loves 4-H. Of all the clubs she completes, dairy club is her favourite! This year, after three years of hard work, asking questions, and trying new things - she is heading to The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair with Russell County. These two walk this driveway all the time, it's amazing to see the changes throughout the year!

Photo Credit: Hannah Pattemore, Ontario
Theme 2:“And the Award Goes to…” – a photo that showcases your 4-H achievements.
Grand Champion Market Lamb at Metcalf Fair! This was my very first lamb, named Dolly Baaarton. This picture was right after the judge handed me the champion ribbon. I was in shock. I looked over at my friend's sister and she gave me a huge smile, then I looked out into the stands and saw the people from the house that she lives at, smiling and cheering us on. I genuinely thought I was dreaming. Out of my seven years in 4-H, this was my very first time winning a banner and having my own animal. It was a dream come true.

Photo Credit: Chloe Braslins, British Columbia
Theme 3: “4-H 4-ever” – a photo of you and some of the friends you’ve met through 4-H.
Another amazing 4-H event - Provincial Communications 2022 in Kamloops, BC. What made this so special is that we were competitors, all different ages, but it made no difference to us. We rooted for each other and had the best experience. These are some of my 4-H’ers 4 life! 100%!

Photo Credit: Rachel Devlin, Ontario
Theme 4:“Making A Difference” – a photo of you and an inspiring leader or mentor who has made a difference in your life.
This is my 4-H leader and myself at our end of year banquet. This was my final banquet as a member before I aged out. These are just a few of the awards I won that night, but I never thought I’d be winning the club commitment and nice guy awards for my club without being pushed by Tanya Boyd for the last 10 years that she was my leader.

Photo Credit: Shonna Ward, Ontario
Theme 5: “Show Your 4-H Colours” – a photo from your 4-H month celebrations.
Featured in this photo is the Oxford Cloverbud 4-H Club who are showing off this year’s #ShowYour4HColours t-shirts while out apple picking.
Thanks again to everyone who participated in 4-H Through the Lens as part of Show Your 4-H Colours 2023! We can’t wait to see more next year! Keep your eyes on in the new year for news and events about the 2024 edition of Show Your 4-H Colours and 4-H Month!