4-H Canada Kicks Off National Show Your 4-H Colours Campaign
Ottawa, Ontario – November 1, 2019 – 4-H Canada is thrilled to officially launch its national Show Your 4-H Colours campaign today on Global 4-H Day, with the kick-off of exciting month-long engagement activities for all 4-H supporters to wear green, celebrate, and give back to a movement currently impacting approximately seven million people in over 70 countries.
Show Your 4-H Colours showcases the spirit of 4-H across Canada, as 4-H members, leaders, alumni and supporters alike get together to spread awareness of 4-H, demonstrate the positive impact of the program, and show their pride in belonging to the movement. During the whole month of November, aficionados from coast to coast will wear their favourite green apparel (the official 4-H colour), celebrate 4-H, and engage in awareness activities across the country.
This year’s campaign will prove to be particularly exciting: in addition to Canadian landmarks being illuminated in green for Show Your 4-H Colours Day on November 6, 4-H’ers will be challenging their communities to ‘give back’ and help the environment through electronics recycling drives organized at the club level. Community donations in recognition of fundraising efforts will go back into supporting 4-H in their community, province, as well as to the Canadian 4-H Foundation, ensuring the 4-H movement in Canada continues to thrive.

“We are thrilled to be kicking off the largest annual celebration of 4-H in the country!” said 4-H Canada CEO, Shannon Benner. “With this year’s campaign activities, we are hoping to engage thousands of 4-H supporters from coast to coast in telling their 4-H story, and demonstrating their commitment and passion as responsible, caring and contributing young leaders that affect positive change in the world around them.”
Showyour4hcolours.ca is the one-stop-shop for supporters to find out what other 4-H’ers are doing in their communities and how to spread the word, support the initiative in their own way, get involved locally, and of course, find a 4-H eRecycling event near them.
Today is just the beginning; follow #ShowYour4HColours for the next four weeks, spread the news, give back, and watch the 4-H community as they turn the country green in support of 4-H.
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About 4-H Canada
For over 100 years, 4-H Canada has been one of the most highly respected positive youth development organizations in Canada. 4-H Canada has over 24,000 members and more than 7,600 volunteer leaders. Our goal is to help young Canadians “Learn To Do By Doing” in a safe, inclusive and fun environment. We believe in nurturing responsible, caring and contributing youth leaders who are committed to positively impacting their communities across Canada and around the world. To learn more about 4-H Canada, please visit 4-h-canada.ca and follow our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.