Dig into World Soil Day

World Soil Day is just around the corner, on Saturday, Dec. 5. The United Nations has set aside that day to focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for sustainable soil management. World Soil Day is an initiative in support of the Sustainable Developmental Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015 to ensure our planet’s future.
Sustainable food production is at the heart of our purpose at Syngenta; we are dedicated to meeting the world’s food needs while protecting the environment. The celebration of World Soil Day is a great time to share our commitment to soil and how 4-H'ers across Canada have engaged in programs promoting soil health.
Syngenta has been 4-H Canada’s Sustainable Agriculture & Food Security Pillar sponsor for the past four years. Some of the initiatives we’ve supported as the Pillar sponsor are the Steeped in Soil program launched in 2018. Through this, program kits were provided for 4-H members and their families and friends to learn about the soils around them and what makes for a healthy soil.
We’re proud to report that more than 80% of 4-H members found those kits to be useful and informative. More than 5,000 4-H members have gotten their hands in the dirt to explore healthy soils! We hope the information and exercises included with those kits gave you a fresh perspective on the importance of soil health and what you can do to maintain the soil on your home farm.
The Steeped in Soil Activity Book is still available for download for at-home exploring!
Soil health is closely related to food security and climate change, which is now threatening food production more than ever before. We are preparing a new 4-H member initiative on climate action and the important role soil health plays in our lives and food supply. Watch for this program from Syngenta and 4-H Canada early in the New Year.
4-H’ers represent the future of food production so we need your support and commitment to sustainable agriculture.
Until then, keep on learning to do by doing!
Author: Tara McCaughey, Head of Technical Services for Syngenta Canada